Fengshui Online Courses
At Qi Form Metaphysic, our goal is to help you improve and organize your space using the principles and teachings of Feng Shui. Guided by the elements and principles of Feng Shui, we work to create a space that harnesses positivity and opens a pathway for energy to flow freely in your home. This connection between space and self will welcome good luck into your life and allow for an overall improvement on your mind, body and soul.
With over 25 years of experience, Master Ho founded Qi Form Metaphysic to empower individuals to establish harmony between themselves and their environment. If you are looking to welcome peace and tranquillity in your home, Master Ho offers Fengshui Courses and guides that can help you take the first step. Master Ho trained under theRenowned Taiwanese Grand Master Yan Shi (颜仕) (Founder of the Dahann I-chingAcademy大汉易经书院) and also a professional speaker who conducts seminars with training courses. Master Ho was granted by the President of Dahnna I-Ching Academy Mr Alex Yen as a Director of Singapore Branch and also be able to issued Certificate who has completed the courses.
Introduction to the Art & Science of FengshuiYin Yang and Five ElementsEarly Heaven TrigramLuo Shu DiagramThe Flying Stars ChartUnderstand Chinese Compass12 Earth Branch 10 Heaven Stem 24 Mountain degree
3 Killing Mountains of the Family MemberExternal Sha of the HouseThe Qi of the HouseThe Living Hall of a HouseThe Qi Generating SectorThe Central of the Hall
IntroductionThe Yin & Yang Feng ShuiThe Quality Cycle of the HouseThe External Sheng Sha of the House-WallLuck of the HouseThe External Sheng Sha of the House-BridgeThe External Sheng Sha of the House-RoadThe External Sheng Sha of the House-Temple The External Sheng Sha of the House-Pagoda The External Sheng Sha of the House-Tree & Bamboo
CHAPTER TWO (External)
Chong Sha of the House xiangsha External Chong Sha of the House xiang shaExternal Chong Sha of the House Xing shaExternal Chong Sha of the House Chong shaExternal Chong Sha of the House guan shaYao Sha and Jie Sha
The Internal Sha of the House The 8 conditions of the Chinese Compass Luo Pan - Explanation
Heaven Stem (Tian Gan Na Jia) Water TheoryDragon Gate Water TheoryRomance Flower Water Theory5 Ghost Water Theory“Wu Gui Yun Cai” The Application of 64 Gua The Kong Wan Void The “Xuan Kong Da Gua
The arrangement of the AltarTo Construct a New HouseTo Arrange A Office TableTo Analysis an ApartmentAnalyse the number of storeyTo Analysis a Landed PropertyFen Jin – 120 Division
- Fengshui Courses consists of 27hoursmodule.
- Week Day, Monday to Friday (7;30pm to 10.30pm)
- Week End, Sat/Sun/Sat (9am to 6pm) or (1pm to 9pm)
- 2 onsite training provided
- Each Student can provide 1 house for training @ no cost
- Graduation studentswill be issue Certificate by Master Ho Authorise by Dahnna I-ching Academy