Numerology Courses and Analysis
Feng Shui refers to wind and water flow. It is becoming the norm for creating the optimalliving and working environment. There has been a long history of Feng Shui, a traditional Chinese investigation of the wild and constructed environment. This may be at the workplace, home, or wherever one wishes to feel at ease. Feng Shui studies the relationship between a structure and its immediate surroundings, as well as the people who inhabit it (Chen &Nakama, 2004).
Fengshui Online Courses
At Qi Form Metaphysic, our goal is to help you improve and organize your space using the principles and teachings of Feng Shui. Guided by the elements and principles of Feng Shui, we work to create a space that harnesses positivity and opens a pathway for energy to flow freely in your home. This connection between space and self will welcome good luck into your life and allow for an overall improvement on your mind, body and soul.